Durable Blue
Vleugelnootstraat 11
6823 NT Arnhem
The Netherlands
+31(0)6 838 00 851

info@durableblue.nl www.durableblue.com

Durable Blue

Guido Ritskes

To introduce myself : I am Guido Ritskes, owner of Durable Blue. I was born in 1971 on the clay soil of Heerhugowaard and raised close to the river Lek (Houten). Now I am conveniently living, with my family, on the sandy soil ‘heights’ of Arnhem in the eastern part of Holland. Environment and water have always fascinated me and after finishing my studies (Technical Environmental Science in Utrecht) I started working for consulting companies and found my way into the world of water management and especially sediment management and dredging. My wish to have my own company grew larger and in 2012 I established Durable Blue.

I am a consultant for government and industry in questions regarding the working field ‘water management’, including sediment management. The analytical approach of the questions is characteristic in my work: Why is this question being asked? Who are stakeholders in the solution? etc.
For more information and examples: working area and experience

Water flows with little notice of land borders and therefore I do not intend to restrict my work to Dutch soil. My company bears its international name, Durable Blue, as I want to contribute to a strong and healthy water system worldwide.
For more information: my mission